Sunday, December 30, 2007
Applications Galore
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Pet sitting
God, if ever there was a cure for the temporary insanity had about possibly wanting a small dog, this is it. Dog wanted to take his biscuit and eat it outside. Okay, fine, freeze your ass off, crazy.
Boof. I'm tired and feel lazy. Need to go to the gym this afternoon after I meet with my friend.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Apply Now!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Doctor Who
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I found a new blog
Extremely Ginger
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Brit tv/cinema
Friday, December 21, 2007
Not to ruin anybody's opinion...
Ay ay ay!
Will be so glad to just sit down and get some REST this coming week (I hope). I have my xmas shopping done for the most part.
Still need to finish baking cookies and crocheting a freaking huge afghan for my mother.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Be it resolved: More sex in 2008
Sex & Relationships | Remove factors from your life that contribute to diminished drive, such as bad nutrition habits, lack of sleep and stress
So, sex is healthy (assuming you're not fucking someone whose genitalia are about to drop off from some gross disease) and we should have more of it?
GREAT! Sign me up!
Oh, that's right: I think most guys are childish idiots.
Is it just me, or would legalized prostitution really be a god-send? Come on, the government is always wanting tax money. They could tax the bejesus out of this, and no one would complain. Set up a nice little place, keep it clean, make sure everyone's got their rabies shots in order - dude, what's not to love?
And think about it: we could really have sex-ed classes! No more learning from cheesey pornos or grainy amateur videos! Take Sex Positions 101 Class once a week for two hours for 16 weeks. Tuition only $2,000! No partner? No problem! Select a stud from the house stables! (Please note, I want full equality here: we ladies should have a fine assortment to select from as well!)
You may think I'm being a little Swiftian here, but actually, I don't see why we don't legalize the oldest profession in the world. Morals schmorals. Give people a safe and professional standardized outlet for some of these urges, I say. It's not going to increase cheating - - that stuff happens already regardless.
I could use some SexEd 101. It's been...a while. *ponders* Feb 1....2004? I think? Maybe? Oh hell, I can barely remember. Every time I try to imagine myself engaging in that activity, I practically start laughing. I look ridiculous in my own mind. This does not bode well for ending my trip through the love-desert.
That and the fact that I've seen far too many fucked up relationships. Who needs it! (Ah, but see, those legalized institutions would clear all that up in a jiffy! No muss, no fuss. No relationships! Just a matter of business!)
Lost Causes
Sunday, December 16, 2007
You'd better lay your money dooooown...
FIN (almost)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Holee fuck
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Three More Days
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
School's out!
Have a stack of fucking shit to grade. Must start now.
Fucking A. This means I have to cram SO MUCH shit into one less day at school. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
OH, and my tattoo appointment got canceled as well, damnit, because of the ice. Sandy called me this morning to let me know the shop is closed today. Fuck again. I just hope we can get an appointment scheduled before the end of the year. It is hugely important to me that I get this tattoo done before the end of 2007.
You see, 2007 is my "Strength" year. Numerology thing. Take your birth month, day and current year - add those numbers up. That tattoo is based off the tarot card for "Strength".
Next year's, get this: the Hermit. Think less about being alone and focus on the Hermit's purpose: he lights the lamp of knowledge and leads others to it.
Don't ever say there wasn't a purpose or some guiding force in life (even if sometimes said force acts like a fucking diva).
Monday, December 10, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Charlie - Life
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Is there any more proof needed...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Do this
Thursday, November 22, 2007
A Thanksgiving, of sorts
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Hello to the Netlands
SECOND, my international minded peeps, check out: HUBWEAR . The "one way" questions kills me. I know I'd love mine to be one way! Guess which codes I used? Yeah, tough question, right?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Damn anthropomorphizing.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
If you want crap, but it from China!
More Evangelicals Concluding God is Green (WTF?)
Monday, November 05, 2007
Calendar Time
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Did I mention...
OH my gawd. I can't believe I passed it, but I did. There were maybe five genuine poli sci questions on it, I swear. I got something like 30 more points than needed, which I think is pretty good.
I will be able to pull the trifecta people: English, history AND government. Right-wingers everywhere, lock up your kids! Because I's a gonna edumacate your chillen!
On a complete aside, the sheer number of parents who don't - you know - actually PARENT astounds me. Every week I hear of something stupid a parent does. The parent that claims education, values, whatever is important. Trust me, folks, your kids aren't going to know or appreciate the value of hard-work, dedication, integrity, accountability, etc., if all they have to look at is your pitiful example. I've got parents pulling kids out of classes for a week or more to go on some fancy pants cruise, vacation or attend a wedding. Better yet, a parent whose real concern in DEMANDING a make up exam well past the deadline is not because the are concerned about the child's education. No, no, no. It's because if little Joe or Mary doesn't get that good G.P.A., the car insurance (for the brand new car mummy and daddy bought their darling) will be higher.
Also: still hate sitting through 90 minute masses. Please send booze. I'm telling you, halfway through I wanted nachos, a beer and several chasers.
I did nothing today. That was bad. Because now I have waaay too much grading to get done tomorrow. Egads. I just needed a day OFF though.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Ginger People - Stem Ginger Gingerbread
Hey, does anyone have a kickass ginger cookie recipe? Preferably one that used THREE types of ginger?
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
And the lights are on...
In other news. Very fucking tired.
Have been having a horrible time sleeping this week and I don't know why. I sleep really lightly, and keep tossing and turning. Today, it's finally caught up to me, and I was so tired at times, that my eyes were unfocused and I was dizzy. NOT GOOD.
I picked up some Advil Nighttime and just took a couple. Hopefully that will help keep me knocked out.
And now? Bed. And hopefully sleepy sleep.
Loud and Annoying
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Not a fantastic start...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Tired, so tired
I am eyes nearly rolling in my head tired. I could not fall into a restful sleep last night. Certainly didn't help my teaching today. It seemed like *everyone* was sluggish today. My afternoon C.T. and I were looking at eachother with a dumb expression on our face, clutching the desks. The kids were comatose, too. Yeesh.
I got most of my shit in order for tomorrow. Time to tuck off to bed. *yawn*
One more thing:
I AM SICK ALREADY OF CHRISTMAS! There is Christmas shit overtaking Target already. It's not even Halloween for Chrissake! It's like everyone completely fucking forgets Thanksgiving, too.
That said, I made the mistake of looking at the Harrods website (yes, that Harrods, Harrods of London). OH, I weeep! I'm not a major fan, but I do love the tins they package cookies in. I have a cookie tin up on a shelf in my room that is just cute. Has a drawing of a postman pulling letters from the big red letterbox. I was thinking of possibly buying a cute tin of something that pictures something super-Britishy for Christmas. Or a Harrods tree ornament? Exchange rates and shipping rates, however, may bar that from happening. Did I hear this right - the Canadian dollar is worth MORE than the U.S. now? *disgusted* THANK YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE BUSH. Yah, bastard wants another $46 mil for his illegal fucking war while the rest of us slave away for peanuts?! FUCK YOU!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Sad and Pathetic
semester of STUDENT TEACHING (as in, not fully
fledged) I am already dreading and procrastinating at
grading these damn paragraphs of my students.
I know, I know. I don't mark them down over what I
haven't taught them. But the writing is ATROCIOUS. I
think I could run out of ink in my red pen.
No. Not going to run out of ink. Will resist. Will
only mark up one or two examples of things they did
wrong on their respective paragraphs, then tell them
to be on the lookout.
If they're ever to write well, they need to WRITE AND
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Does anyone have any idea how hard it is for me to not
run screaming in my placement every time I hear some
crazy ass "Right to Life" march thing at school?
Bitch, please. If you really respected ALL life, then
how about ensuring that those babies get cared for
after they're born - including the little darkies most
of you whitebread city folk don't give a rat's ass
about. How about ending a senseless and falsely run
war for profit in the middle east? How 'bout? How 'bout?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
London Calling
Oh my God, I'm just having a Brit craving right now. :( I miss it! I miss you, Mum!
I'm hoping something will miraculously happen wherein I can travel within the next six months. Our profit sharing check from work comes out the first week of December. I'll probably have to use most of that to recover from the financial depredations of not having worked full-time for four months, though. Tax filing time will happen early February and hopefully I'll get something from that.
The most oddball thing is that I qualified as an entrant in this local radio station thing. It's the XLC treasure chest. Basically, the entrants all get a key. Whoever has the key that opens the treasure chest, wins it. There are some other prizes as well, like gift cards and such. But I think the chest has $5K. That, in my opinion, would be swell. I THINK I AM THE MOST DESERVING PERSON!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
mob movie with Viggo Mortensen.
THAT was some nasty violence. Up close and real personal.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Don't wanna be here
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Of course
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
DeRosa Blog Update
Monday, October 01, 2007
Bad Day for a Quiz

I guess now I get to tell these kids that this is what happens when you don't take notes like you're supposed to. They were all "lah de dah" half the time. And they were like "you're not going to have the diagram models up on the wall????!!!!" Uh, no. The point is for you to KNOW this stuff, Einsteins.
I don't know how many times I've told them, you will NEVER EVER EVER infinity find your subject in a prepositional phrase. So, I put in what I thought was a "gimmee" question on the quiz. "True or False: You can find a subject in a prepositional phrase. " The second class all go it right, but my first class? It's like I never even taught them. Half the time they're not awake anyway.
A lot of the diagrams were atrocious, too. I'm going to have to inundate them with diagramming homework for the next four days. I know diagramming is the ass-end of exciting, but come on. When did I ever show you diagram models with crooked lines? YES, it DOES matter if your line for an adjective or adverb is straight or if you make it "L" shaped because the L shape means something completely different! Like: indirect object!
My C.T. was astounded when I showed her some of the quizzes. I told her I felt so bad and was wondering was it me? She told me to go over the stuff again, assign more diagramming, but that she thought I gave them every opportunity to ask questions and they were the ones not taking notes. Hell, I practically begged them to ask me questions.
Today, I told them that if I wrote it up on the board, then they'd better be taking notes. They grudgingly took out their notebooks. (Don't even get me started on this one kid who habitually doesn't bring a freaking pencil or pen to class. Seriously, I'm going to start keeping tabs on how often he does this in the next week. If it gets insane, I will forbid him from asking someone else for a pen, and then I'll tell him he's got a choice. He will either serve a detention for habitually coming to class unprepared, or he can take a detention and either get a pen from someone or from his locker.) Tomorrow, when they get their quizzes back, especially the first class, I am going to tell them again: 1) TAKE NOTES and 2)ASK QUESTIONS.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Things that make you go hmmm
me....well, a little bit horny?
Stick a Pacifier in It!!
SunTimes to make sure it wasn't all a dream.
FINALLY back in the playoffs!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Today is the Day
about my plans either having too little or too much
time. You just can't tell how fast the students are
going to go through this start!
Well, I should know how good or how bad by 11:34
Monday, September 24, 2007
You knooooow...
treasure chest, I am so getting that tattoo early.
And then I'm buying a plane ticket straight to London,
bitches. And I'm staying at the Caesar off Hyde Park.
Honest to God!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I am an English Geek (and proud of it)
Monday, September 17, 2007
morning classes. And I will be teaching grammar. The
parts of the sentence. As diagramming and all that.
Ew. I completely understand the necessity of grammar,
but the way I sort of have to do it is completely out
of context. That's the way they have already started
it (they're doing parts of speech now); it's
completely unrelated to any meaningful text or
I mean, crap, do the kids already KNOW any of this? Is
there part of this they could skip? Parts they need
MORE help in? Rote memorization of grammar skills and
concepts is just NOT the best practice and yet people
persist in doing it.
I'll do my best to bring in literature, authentic
texts, or even write short paragraphs of their own,
but this sucks.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Today is a Lazy Day
school work. I got up and met my boss this morning to
do our weekly update.
Came back home and did some cleaning.
Went out to the store and did some grocery shopping. I
picked up the last items I needed to make my FUCKING
FANTASTIC beef bourguinon (recipe from Tyler
Florence). Beefy-culinary-sex-in-your-mouth, that's
how good it is, bitches.
I also made an apple pie, which is cooling. Really
disappointed in about 3/4 of the apples (granny smith)
that I bought - brown on the INSIDE. WTF? Thankfully,
I also bought golden delicious and pink ladies, so I
still had plenty. I put in some fresh grated ginger as
well. Oh YES, that just perked it up unbelieveably! (I
tasted an apple slice after I made the filling.) I
can't wait to have a small slice.
MMM. Weather is really autumnal today - perfect for
the beef bourguinon and apple pie. I love it. Gorgeous
day. Crisp of air and blue of sky. Is there anything
better than autumn?
AND PUMPKINS. I love pumpkins. Pumpkins must be the
cheeriest vegetable (?) ever. So round! So orange! You
can roll them! You can make a pie! Scones! Beer! Lots
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Thursday the FIRST
an asana or two to get the blood flowing.
Time to get ready.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
inane "training" on abuse prevention in the Catholic
diocese. Seriously.
I'm not exactly the most unbiased person, either, when
it comes to the heirarchy. I had to bite my tongue
during parts of the training video where the church
official was like "to tell the truth, we have made
mistakes in the past..."
NO. REALLY? That's your stellar day-late-dollar-short
remark. I'm sure that makes abuse victims feel better,
especially considering there are still ongoing cases
of things being covered up.
Still, it was one of those things to just go to, get
through, and just file. *rolls eyes*
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Still laughing
"Good Golly Miss Molly/Devil With the Blue Dress"
nonstop since finding out I have to interview at the
Catholic School. Is it?
I suppose I should be glad Sister Joan the Principal
can't meet with me today and it's just with the
common-folk teachers I'm meeting.
Oh my GAWD
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Dismal Day
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Graham Norton
Just dying. I haven't laughed this hard in a while. This guy they've got in the "tardis" is completely a MORON.
Torchwood Premiere (well, late for the US at any rate)
*snort* Amusing, but still a rip-off. AND I THOUGHT I
KNEW WHERE woman-who-takes-her-job-too-seriously WAS
FROM!! Thank you, IMDB!
And thank christ, Cubs got their heads out of their asses.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Family of Blood
That was amazing. I've got to say, the Doctor comes off so cold and callous as compared to "John Smith". I'm sure that was intentional, and hell it really added a neat twist.
Glad there was something good on. Because the Cubs are fucking killing me.
What's really killing me: the ads for Doctor Who S3 DVDs. I wants it NOW!
Another Day of Freaking Out
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Really Need Help
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
"The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a
I mean, young Hugh Grant, how can it NOT be
Oh, the Welsh.
I knew I loved the movie like five minutes in.
With no school...
mean, I TRY, but I stayed up late ONE night and now I
can't get back into waking up at a decent hour (by
that I mean six or seven am).
Really. I just flop in bed, trying to wake up, but
unable to emerge from my "waaah planet am I on?" state
until 10 or, now, 11.
Monday, September 03, 2007
I am the Tech Support in my family
with her computer related problems.
I am not "Geek Squad" smart, but I do know the basics.
1 - I know my brother should have bought a damn MAC
instead of a fucking PC. That's probably the most
important thing.
2 - Helped my niece install iTunes and get her iPod
set up last Christmas.
Late last night I got a call because her laptop
crashed and she was wondering if she lost her music.
Winds up yes, because they had to wipe the drive and
reinstall the factory settings in order to get the
computer up again. All her music was on her iPod,
thankfully, so I told her she could get it back onto
the computer.
HOWEVER, trying to explain how to do that over the
phone was proving exasperating. My brother was taking
her to the mall out by me today, so she dropped off
her computer and iPod so I could be Computer Doc.
I AM the Master. Yes, I am. I did a little research,
and found freeware that reverse loads (iPod to
Computer, instead of the other way around) for
situations just like these. However, in the course of
reloading her music back on to the computer, I made a
gruesome discovery...
I felt...DIRTY. I felt foul. Oh, I was deeply shamed.
Next, she's going to tell me she's a fucking
Republican. *shudders*
I quickly shot off an email enquiring if I had to send
her to musical rehab. Lord. WHAT.THE.FUCK.
Paris Hilton. Completely without street cred.
My niece has a lot of "untz-untz" or Eurotrash pop
music. She's in competitive cheerleading, so it makes
sense. It's not the most intelligent of music, but it
does have good beats to do their cheer routines. I dug
out my "NOW (that's what I call Music)" compilation
CDs. No, not the American ones, I got the bona fide UK
discs, people. Oh, so much more pop-esque! Ha ha. I
threw a bunch of songs onto her iTunes. Should be
cheerleading routine worthy.
Still. Paris Hilton.
When she, my brother and my SIL came inside to pick up
the goods, I gave her a look.
"I am deeply shamed."
"You had that stupid blonde...princess!"
And then of course my brother and SIL start
complaining about all the other music to begin with
(and yes, she does have some nasty bump n grind music
on there and she is BARELY 13, for chrissake).
My niece "oh...Paris Hilton song?"
Me: "YES. Anything but Paris Hilton for the love of
Is it wrong of me that many of my favorite Autumn
things are food and beverage associated?
Beef bourguinon (however the hell it is spelled, I
make a bitchin' one)
soup: potato or beef vegetable
Honeycrisp apples (oh, SO delicious)
apple cider
hot toddies
Drambuie whiskey
Granted, I also like new sweaters. And the smell of
forests. Crisp air.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Men are like Parking Spaces/ Rules of Un-Engagement
The rest are handicapped."
Oh well, even if being "taken" weren't the case in the
example I've most recently observed, it would conflict
with my Rule (#1) of never dating a
I made that mistake once, and once only. There is no
amount of great, even tolerable, kissy-kissy-bang-bang
that is worth the inevitable problems caused once the
break up happens. I don't want to be in the same
fucking AREA CODE, let alone an office or classroom
once it's over.
I don't even know how I made it through that semester
after I got dumped by that jackass
ex-Mormon-wannabe-Pagan (EMWP). Sitting in the same
room was torture. I would drive home on the Edens
absolutely fucking losing my mind, crying hysterically
and screaming myself hoarse after class. (And in case
you're wondering, NO, I don't take break-ups well.)
Rule #2: Avoid dating someone who's got spawn to care
for. Not that this doesn't work out on occasion (my
brother is a working example; my SIL had a son - my
nephew - before she met my brother), but let's be
realistic. Jackass EMWP I broke Rule #1 with had
spawn. One year younger than me, had a kid by 19 and
already divorced. His ex tried to kill him two times.
Damn shame she missed both times, I say. I mean,
really, what else can you say besides, he's fucked up,
she's fucked up and their kid is gonna BE fucked up?
AND USE A GODDAMN FUCKING CONDOM, you fertile myrtles.
Oh, good story of Cuckoo spawn not working? My idiot
cousin knocked a girl up (he could've been charged
with statutory, the IDIOT). She had his spawn.
Eventually the whole thing went bust, but they knocked
boots on occasion. She got pregnant again. Said it was
his. Treats it like his own. Few years later -
surprise! That second one wasn't his! She was fucking
around with another guy. Except she tells me cousin if
he doesn't continue to pay for the Cuckoo, he's not
going to see his own kid. Okay, that girl is a
flat-out gang-banging ho. But you see my point.
Can I just pose a general question? WHY THE HELL DON'T
PEOPLE USE CONDOMS?! Don't give me that "dulls the
sensation" crap either. That's what you have toys and
lube for.
Rule #3: Never call after the end. Never. Lose the
number, delete the emails, burn all remembrances.
Learned that the hard way, too, after the Cheesehead.
Put it to use with the EWMP. Cold Turkey is best.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Saturday is the new Monday
my boss. This will be the new routine until I finish
student teaching. (Except for next weekend, which will
be Labor Day weekend.)
That was from about 8:45a until 10a. I went to yoga
after that. Came home, cleaned up, and then trucked
out again to the Panera about 2pm for a late lunch. I
stayed at Panera, doing work on my business laptop
until 7pm. Ay, ay ay...
Now I am sitting at Summit on my personal laptop doing
various things. I need to do some reading for school.
I met with my supervisor. She seems alright, but a
little talkative (as in off the topic). I've noticed
that's something that really bugs me. I hate when
people get off topic during some thing that's supposed
to be organized (like a business meeting or class).
Don't waste my valuable time!
Anyhoo, there's only six of us in the graduate MAT-2nd
English program. We'll be a pretty tight group with
the exception of The Hick (TM). I think she's going to
rival Potatoes (for those of you who remember HER) for
sheer stupidity. This chick should have been kicked
out of the program. She's a bigot, for one, and is so
down on students (she's been a substitute for a
while). I know if she were MY teacher, I'd fucking go
crazy. Should be interesting, especially considering
my bud Anne said that our advisor (whom she had last
Spring) doesn't take shit. Anne thinks the super will
eat The Hick alive.
Good, I say.
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Doctor is in!
I have wine. Sangria to be exact.
People, Friday is going to be shining happy place this semester once I FINALLY GET MOTHERFUCKING PLACED.
Oooh. Scary. The "possessed" boy (for lack of a better term), is fucking creepy.
*is it just me, or is Flash Gordon just the campiest horrible looking thing EVER? the commercials I see of this while watching SciFi are just tawdry.
Day three of workshops
Thursday, August 23, 2007
One more time
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Let your fingers do the walkin'
hour to Chicago in the crappy rain. My seminar still
does not have booklist. Hey, that's fine with me if I
ultimately don't have to spend the cash on it.
What else is on the schedule today:
haircut @ 2:30 in Mt. Prospect (I might get a color,
I'm feeling bored with my hair right now, and I may go
pretty short)
knitting store - ran out of yarn on my niece's
legwarmers, and need help adding on that new yarn
because I haven't done that before
Should finish my goddamn portfolio for school
Yoga at 7:30 tonight maybe, depends on how much work
my co-worker sends my way. Last night I worked about
3.5 hours which is pretty good. More than, actually.
I'm sure once I start student teaching, I won't want
to work more than two hours a night. My main work
hours will have to be on the weekend.
Time to finish my cuppa tea, brush my teeth, and get
out of here...
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Tea and Scones, Bangers and Mash for Everyone!
It has been installed.
I have already been watching BBC America and Hotel Babylon. (Interesting, that.) Dr. Who is on at 6pm, but it's S1. SciFi channel shows S3 on Friday nights. Human Nature ep is next Friday.
I weep with joy.
(Oh, and the little blurbs in between shows about using closed captioning if you can't get the accent - hysterical. I especially loved the "well, if you hadn't thrown our tea into Boston harbor..!")
Friday, August 17, 2007
Paying the Bills
Thursday, August 16, 2007
What Bullshit
received from the placement office. They're all
chuffed as hell with themselves ("we can release
information in advance for the first time")...and then
they promptly tell me that I'm still not placed.
Well, patting yourself on the back is a little
premature, isn't it, fuckers?
Son of a bitch. They had BETTER have me placed by the
time next week's workshops come around. I'm not having
any of this bullshit like I heard happened last
semester. That time, some students weren't placed
until THREE WEEKS in, through no fault of their own,
and this idiot director made them go longer, past
graduation. Ass. I am NOT going past the first week of
I am pleased to announce that for the first time, the
CEST Office is able to release placement information
in advance of the start of the semester for those
whose files are complete and up-to-date.
While your file IS up-to-date and complete, I regret
to inform you that your placement cannot be announced
because it is not yet finalized. As only a few
student teachers have not yet been confirmed into
placement sites, you should not be concerned.
You will be notified of your placement during the
Professional Days.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Dark Horse Comics > Profile > Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8: #8 No Future for You

Excuse me while I have a geek-fan squeefest in my chair at work.
OH. MY. GOD. Joanne Chen rules.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
news flash:
Monday, August 13, 2007
Actors named David
In my world, first there was:
David Boreanaz (of Buffy and Angel fame)
Say hello to David "Doctor" Tennant
And suddenly David Duchovny is back on the scene? Of
course he was smoking hot as Fox Mulder, but now he's
back in this Showtime series "Californication"? I
won't watch it, because I don't care to pay for
Showtime, but hell yeah, I might be watching the DVDs
when they come out.
Absences makes the heart...
Sunday, August 12, 2007
It's killin me!
Freaking "Impossible Planet". It is so, so painfully
obvious that those two are with the big fluffy "L" for
one another and just deny, DENY, DENY.
WHY? WHHHHHHHY? Oh, I hate you for not admitting it to
each other until far far too late!
Okay. And the big disembodied face is getting FREAKY.
Oh, Jesus, TOBY TURN THE HELL AROUND, you big wanker.
10 Things You Probably Don't Care to Know, but May, Alas, Read.
1. My first trip outside the U.S. was to Egypt when I was 13. I was in my Indiana Jones phase where I thought I'd grow up to be an archeologist. The real Egypt rather rudely disabused me of that notion (as did the wicked case of Tut's Revenge I got - neon yellow puke is not fun). Did I mention I was also almost kidnapped on a camel by the pyramids?
2. One of my favorite books: Jane Eyre, probably due to the sheer number of times I've had to read it. But a recent recommend to anyone listening: The $64 Tomato. Or try the comic Fables: Legends in Exile.
3. Newest favorite show: Doctor Who, and it is freaking my shit out right about now. I'm watching Impossible Planet. I'm pretty much a sucker for many things British.
4. I learned to do a headstand in yoga this summer.
5. First boyfriend is a Catholic priest. I was the only girlfriend he ever had. Weird? Yes, definitely.
6. I had the best Halloween Buffy party ever. I was into the Buffy CCG and the company, Score, sponsored game parties for Halloween. Some evil comrades (Sullivan, Aly, Baumann) and I organized a big event and got shitloads of swag from Score. We must have gotten at least a $1000 worth of product, if not more.
7. I used to hijack pizza delivery cars in undergraduate. Pizza man comes, gets out of car, I would sneak in, perhaps move the car a little, or hide in the backseat until the guy came back and then proceed to scare the shit out of him.
8. Once moved out of an apartment (in Minnesota) within the space of 12 hours on a Frigid January day because my cunt of a roomate and I had a massive fight, which resulted in the authorities being called. She also arranged to have me fired from my job, short story. I still hate the bitch.
9. Said bitch also liked to leave her big pink dildo lying about the bathroom. Gross.
10. It's been a drought. Three years, six months, 11 days and counting since...
Tagalicious: Kilroy, Tickersoid, Lippy, Gentleman, and anyone else who cares to!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Always Leave Them Wanting More
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
And something I forgot to post earlier: I went into Starbucks this morning by my house. All of a sudden, there was someone RIGHT BEHIND ME and BREATHING on me. Seriously, I could smell his breath (not good). The cashier, whom I know, was like "do you KNOW this guy?" I knew who it was before even turning around. It was the husband of one of my cousins. Jim. He's a big annoying fucking twit. Never liked him all that much. I don't know what the fuck my cousin saw in him to make her go and get married. And no, she wasn't knocked up. He's...creepy. Something about him just strikes me as "off" and not in a cute eccentric way.
Who the fuck comes right up behind you, completely invading your personal space, and breathes on you? I saw him at a christening party this weekend, too, and he came up and SNIFFED MY HAIR. And the shit he says. It's not outright sexual or anything, but...creepy. *shudders*
Fat, slobby, (former?) stoner. Gag.Me.
One day, he's going to come up behind me and annoy me for the very last time, because I will wind up and smash his face in. Don't think I'm joking. I was about five seconds away from doing it today.
A word to the wise
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Things like common punctuation or grammar errors (my pet peeves: mixing up "your" and "you're", fragments, "its" and "it's") can be put on a checklist.
My checklist is going to be like:
Did I check for "its" vs. "it's"?
Did I check for sentence fragments?
And if they check "yes", well then, there should be NO problem right? It's about reviewing and editing your own work!
Why the rambling? Because I'm sick of people at work doing the same stupid errors on their reports even after I tell them over and over not to do certain things. Just want to scream.
The Chocolate War
Now, I don't know about you, but I do not want inferior cheap vegetable oil infused "chocolate". Fake chocolate. Facolate!
Good chocolate is a luxury. Don't fuck with my chocolate!
Excuse me while I squee
Tennant's video diaries. THIS is AWESOME.
It's hysterical - there was already a shot of Anthony
Stewart Head. And DT speaking in his native Glaswegian
accent, sometimes slipping into his English "Doctor"
accent...and then CARDIFF and the Gower Peninsula.
It's like the UK in micro. WHEEEEE!!
Talk about the weather
dreadfully scarce on rain. Lately it's started to rain
which is good.
I woke up I don't know when because it sounded like
the skies were breaking apart right above me. You know
how as a kid (or maybe still) you would count the
seconds between the lightning and the thunder? Here,
it was "big light show"-BOOOM!!!BOOOM!!!!BOOOM!!!
It was rattling my windows for a good thirty minutes
straight. Woke me the hell up, that's for sure. I
tried to stuff my face into a pillow, but it still
didn't help. Buddha and I were looking at each other
like WTF is going on?
Flash flooding in the area, too, of course. I'm
watching weather channel. Rockford out west has had
near six inches since yesterday. It's going to be bad
here right around the Des Plaines River flood plain. I
gotta get going to work - I need to avoid the traffic.
I'm up, I might as well get out before the next round
Monday, August 06, 2007
Thinking far in advance
days (6). Christmas through New Years. I'm definitely
going to need the time off after student teaching.
And I shall let it be known now that I plan on making
one hell of a ginger cookie during the Xmas 2007
cookie madness. I love ginger. I love The Ginger
People company's products. Oh yes, I will buy up their
gingery goodness and turn out an awesome cookie.
I've got to re-locate my molasses cookie recipe too.
Damn messy things to make (STICKY dough), but very
Tracking Packages
No, I do NOT feel insecure about my penis size. You
Please go away and die.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
That's funny shit, that is
Your imagination is rich today with vivid fantasies,
as the Moon in your 12th House makes it challenging to
maintain focus on the outer world. You could become a
bit single-minded as you mull the same image over and
over again within your active daydream. Don't fret;
your current obsession won't last and soon you'll be
more playful again.
NO? Really? Because I didn't think the whole
Urlacher-yoga thing was vivid enough?
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Friday, August 03, 2007
Friday Lunch Break
As I drove back into work, I started thinking about how things fall into place. A couple years ago, I was half-way into the program and really struggling emotionally. I didn't know if I could put up with the bureaucratic bullshit at the school; I didn't know if I could afford to not work during student teaching. Was I even meant for this teaching gig? I dated and then got dumped by a peer. Basically, shit sucked and I was having a major "what to do with my life" crisis.
Well, now I'm almost done. I'm still scared of student teaching to an extent, but I'm *ready*. I want to be done. I've farted around enough with the theoretical, let me at those damn kids. If I fuck up, I fuck up, but let's do it. I've managed to get enough merit tuition waivers to soften the blow, financially. I've got most of the bills under control by cracking into the Roth IRA. I have good friends, both peers and advisors, in the program who have kept my bouyed up when I needed it. I've got a decent job (even if it bores me and annoys the shit out of me on occasion) and I'm good enough at it so that my bosses have been willing to work around my schooling and give me the option of working part-time so I CAN afford to student teach. I've discovered yoga. Yoga good. Yoga makes the mind happy.
Basically: life is good. I am thankful. Universe, keep it up. Believe me, it is appreciated.
Also during lunch: I stopped back at the tattoo parlour in L'ville. I've been thinking non-stop about that tattoo I want (8-10" tattoo of the "Strength" card from the Tarot of Prague deck). I went in and talked to Sandy again. I put down a $15 deposit for her to draw it up. She's going to hold it for me until I can get the money together. I'm thinking this will be my graduation/Christmas present to myself this year. Interestingly enough, numerologically speaking, this year is the "Strength" year for me as well. I definitely want to get it before 2008 hits (which I think is a "Hermit" year, also very apropo - Hermit is not being alone, it's about lighting the path for others, i.e., teaching. Go take a look at a Hermit card in a tarot deck and you'll see what I mean.) .
It took me years to decide on my first tattoo (a small black outline of a bull). It's taken me years to decide on the second; but I already have in mind my third, thus proving true the adage about tattoos. Just like Lay's potato chips, you can never have just one. When or if I get a third, I want a Buddha. A nice, serene Buddha meditating (not the fat type of Buddha that you rub the belly for luck).
Most fucked up movie
Ever. Period.
Holy shit.
Perfume (The Story of a Murderer)
It's got Dustin Hoffman and Alan Rickman in it. I
can't even begin to tell you. Trust me, you will just
have to watch it.
Just plain fucked up six ways to Sunday. Visceral,
erotic (even), but disturbing. About the only thing I
could think being more fucked up is the book Germinal
by Emile Zola. Anyone read that book? Remember how the
guy gets his penis yanked off by the angry mob?
Totally visceral. Totally "life is nasty, brutal, and
short." That's about the best equivalent I can get to
this movie.
And very glad that I wasn't around in the streets of
pre-Revolutionary France....
Thursday, August 02, 2007
The clock is ticking...
I skeeved off work early yesterday (well, I *was*
sick, I just decided I had better go to the university
to get some paperwork, sickness be damned).
I got my application for graduation and managed to
duck into my advisor's office and get it filled out
that very afternoon. Excellent. So that paperwork is
in. Now I just gotta pass the damn student teaching.
While I was in with my advisor, another program
teacher was in there. They're both excellent. My
advisor was like "So, what are you doing during
student teaching." I said, "Uh, working part-time..."
She asked me where and I told her. She had been
considering me for the graduate assistant position for
her. That would have been very cool, and I'm chuffed
that she had me as a top candidated, but I can't do it
because I need to keep my benefits at my current job.
(She was completely understanding of that.)
Got my loaner laptop from work today which I will use
while I work part-time. Did a test drive of it, and of
course the key program I use does NOT work correctly.
So gotta get that fixed tomorrow, then test again.
Went to Target and got a planner thingy. If I'm going
to survive this semester, I am going to have to have
every moment planned. No fucking about. (Oh, the
possibility of THAT actually going to plan...)
OTHER FUN NEWS: am eagerly awaiting latest Amazon
purches of Dr. Who Season Two. I totally caved. Had to
do it.
Bridge "structurally deficient"
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sweet baby Jeebus! Is Ripper (BtVS spin off) finally a go?
Joss Whedon Confirms Buffy Spin-off Happening
Better sharpen those stakes.
In a surprise Comic-Con announcement, Joss Whedon has confirmed that the long gestating Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off, entitled Ripper, finally looks like it's going forward.
Whedon says that he's thisclose to signing a deal with the BBC to finance a 90-minute telepic that will star Buffy's Anthony Stewart Head as former Watcher Rupert Giles combatting the things that go bump in the night sans Slayer.
The deal hasn't been signed yet, so anything can happen. Whedon was quick to say that no U.S. distribution has been decided, meaning that it's still a bit soon to circle a launch date on your calendar or break open the bubbly.
Meanwhile, Whedon has launched a non-Buffy-related online comic called Sugar Shock with Dark Horse (the publishers of the Buffy Season Eight comic). It's free, it's online, and it might just tide you over until Ripper... or the next issue of the Buffy comic.
Speaking of things "Buffy": I somehow wound up watching the new Holly Hunter show on TNT called "Saving Grace". It's a little too hick accenty and bubba trucky (AND religious) for me, but I cracked up watching it: Bailey (of the Initiative) is one of the main characters and last night's villainous guest was none other than James Marsters. A James Marsters speaking in his regular (albeit hick for the show) American accent AND sporting brown hair. It was interesting to see those two things to say the least!
EDIT EDIT: Sullivan you SUCK if you don't write up about this panel. There was a PANEL for Joss at the Con? Come on! Spill more info! And I doubt I'll go to WWC, so any chances of seeing that preview electronically, eh?
Monday, July 30, 2007
New week, S.O.S. (same old shit)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
this game (Cubs v Cards), I need to watch something
Maybe some David Tennant Dr. Who?
Or bottle of whiskey underneath the sink?
Would that make me an alchy?
Thank you to the Universe
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Oh noes!
Well, he can't fake being hot at least. But STILL.
Faking the situations seriously detracts from his sexy
Weird Things That I Want
But I really want a rocking chair. Blame my recent crochet, and new knitting, activities. Seriously, there is nothing quite like a rocking chair for it. In fact, I saw a nifty little rattan one at IKEA...oh, my precious, we wantsss it.
Chickens. Don't ask me why, but I would like to raise chickens some day. Just a few. But that requires a house and land. I blame my garden activities and my reading activities ("The $64 Dollar Tomato" and "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle".)
But you know: for anyone reading who feels pity on my impending financial crisis (can only work part-time at a real job while I student teach for NO MONEY): feel free to DONATE$$$
Right now
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
So, so, so, soooooo
looooooove it.
Oh, why have I not watched you before this? Dr. Who
Merchandise, I must find you.
In other news: I did a face plant in the grass while
doing a headstand. Very stupid of me. I think I still
have grass in my left eye. I was doing a regular head
stand and then tried to get all fancy, pushing up with
my hands, lifting my head, and moving into something
like scorpion pose.
Whooooop....slid down on the left and that grass is
quite exfoliating, you know?
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Well, that was interesting :Harry Potter
It took me a bloody hour to get the book last night at B&N. An hour in which it was very hot, because the mall turns down the power on the A/C to conserve energry. Bleh!
I told myself I was only going to read a chapter or two, then go to bed. Ha. I wound up crawling into bed and reading the whole damn thing (nearly 800 pages) from 1:30 to 7:30am. People, there is a reason I don't pull all nighters: it's because it's goddamn fucking wrong seeing sunset in complete reverse (utter darkness, to birds screaming their heads off and the sun up).
It was a good book, I have to say. I was preparing myself to be disappointed. Reading a muchly hyped book like this: well, damn, it's hard to live up the hype. I mean, yes, there were some points I was reading thinking "OH COME ON! TOO TRANSPARENT!", but then Rowling pulled a quick one or two that left me reeling.
Good stuff. I went to bed after finishing. Woke up in time to watch the Cubs lose, damn it all. I think I'm going to go to the gym.