Sunday, July 30, 2006

Dragging my ass across the finish line

So, the research proposal is DONE. DONE DONE DONE. I got back not too long ago from my professor's house where most of us met for a BBQ and to display our research boards that we did. Yippee. It was good, but mostly it was a gigantic relief. Regardless of what my grade is, I can say that I have survived what wound up being a month from hell. Seriously? In like three weeks, I pulled together about a 45 page proposal from almost nothing.

Of course, I almost OD'd on caffeine throughout this process. Going cold-turkey on caffeine is giving me headaches, but I am determined to do it. I do not want to step foot into a Starbucks for at least TWO MONTHS. I must have spent close on $200 there in the past three weeks, I'm not lying.

I slept until about 10am yesterday and then got up and finished my paper at work by 5pm. I went to bed about midnight after popping two nighttime pain relief for the caffeine headache. HOLY SHIT...that stuff knocked me OUT. When my alarm went off at 8am, I could barely raise my head. What little I did caused me a serious case of vertigo. It was nasty. I fell back asleep until noon.

I could just about fall asleep right now again. HOWEVER...

it has been nearly a month since I saw Superman Returns. Me thinks I need to go and celebrate by ogling Brandon Routh in his blue tights. It's not going to be in the theatres much longer and it just won't be the same "larger than life" when it's on my tv screen! Ahhh, yes.

And then I seriously need to look at what classes I'm taking this fall...


*DB* said...

Sure will - - feel free to post comments whenever you like.

Who was the link? I'm interested to see...