Sunday, January 13, 2008

Quite possibly, my favorite scene in MAAN

from the Much Ado About Nothing ...

the dancing pool-side scene, Bea and Ben's running commentary on Hero and Claude.

Ben: Are you enjoying yourself?
Haven't had this much fun since Children in Need

Bea: Stick it out to the bitter end.
Ben: Touching, isn't it?
Bea: A marriage of true minds
Ben: That misty faraway look in their eyes...
Bea: Like conjunctivitis.
[Ben laughs]
Bea [pretending to be Hero]: Oh Claude...
Ben [pretending to be Claude]: Oh Hero...
Bea: Say to me those three little words...
Ben: Me...Love...You
Bea: Blah blah blah...
Ben: Blah blah blah blah blah. [sighs, observes Claude and Hero smooching it up] Oh god, here we go...
Bea: Well, at least when they're kissing, they're not talking.
Ben: Oh, they're trying though!
Bea: I can't think of anything worse than to have someone say they love me.
Ben: Me, too.
Bea: Well, that's something we've got in common then.
Ben: Not much, is it?
Bea: No, not much.
[Claude kneels and proposes to Hero, Ben and Bea look on, incredulous]
Ben: Oh, Claude, is this what I think it is?
Bea: Here we go...