Monday, March 26, 2007


It is CRIMINAL to be inside on a day like today. It is freaking gorgeous outside. Curse work! Of course, next weekend is going to dive down to the 40s again (about 30 degrees colder than it is right now).
I was so tired - didn't sleep well. I took a nap out in my car for lunch. Then I went to the Starbucks for a coffee frapuccino light. Yeeeumm. I feel more human now.
I need to seriously decide on if/when/where I am going to take a short vacation this summer. Like now. Rawr.
Have lost around 5 lbs already since going back on Atkins (March 14). I can't wait for the first two weeks to be over after this Wednesday. I can start putting fruit (berries) back into my diet. Last night I made mock mashed potatoes (cauliflower instead). They turned out a lot better than the last time I tried to make them. You have to use a little bit of cream cheese in them. Still, not as good as this one restaurant I had them out. Unfortunately, said restaurant is no longer in business! Damn!
I should be on target to get back into my favorite capris this May.


Andrea said...

Finally I'm starting to lose again so 21lbs down since Christmas and back in UK 14 jeans - that's what a ten US - yay

Another stone to go and I will be a very happy camper!