Sunday, March 11, 2007


I didn't think I'd be saying this but HOLY SHIT.

Frank Miller's "300" is frikkin awesome. I went to see
it last night. The absolutely stupid number of 12 year
olds in the theatre pissed me off, but otherwise

The movie is completely over-the-top and unrealistic
in points of historicism (I mean, give me a break,
like Xerxes really looked like that?!) and some laws
of physics, but you'd really care while you're
watching. The stylism is so beautiful.

And the gorgeous male bods don't hurt either. *cough*
Gerard Butler as Leonidas? Haaaaawt.

It's a graphic novel movie all het women should love
because there are for more scantily clad, very buff
men in it that scantily dressed women.

Totally. Go see it. Visually GORGEOUS. Very faithful
to Miller's graphic novel layout. Wow.

I'm going to go see it again.