Friday, January 05, 2007

Update Two on the Lack of Wisdom Teeth

I snoozed away for a couple hours this afternoon. I'm
feeling pretty good for the most part. The doctor did
a really good job. I didn't want to take the Vicodin;
I wasn't really hurting all that much and the Advil
seemed to be doing fine. I finally decided to take one
Vicodin just so I wouldn't suddenly have blinding pain
an hour or so later and wished I had taken it.

Not feeling too loopy, either, which is better. In
fact, Buddha looks more like the one who took Vicodin;
he's sacked out on the bed, with his head on a pillow.
He's been by me the whole afternoon.

The back of my mouth, obviously, and my jaw is sore,
but not unbearably so. I had some chicken broth with
noodles and carrots/celery a little bit ago. The
veggies were soft enough to smoosh up against my
palate with my tongue.

But man oh man, I have such a craving for pepperoni
pizza right now I want to die.

My arms feel kind of heavy and lethargic for some
reason. I don't quite get that. Oh shit, I think I was
supposed to take some penicillin. I'd better get on
that right now.

My friend Anne called to see how I was doing. She
wants to see my gross teeth that I saved. There's
still schmutz (tissue?) on them a little bit. I should
scrub them up before they go on any world tour. That
is funky shit, with the roots going in opposite
directions. I should take a picture and post it.