Tuesday, May 08, 2007

How Does My Garden Grow

Well, I took stock of what all I have planted. And just realized I am not doing a good watering thing with the habenero! Damn, at least it's just been the first few days and is correctable.

Here we go. Now I'm wondering: the days mentioned, is that from seed? It must be. In which case, it's not as long since I bought seedlings and transplanted them.

In the front area:
Hardy Azaleas (pink ones called "Mother's Day" from HD) (Perennial, meaning I also have it in the ground, not in a pot/plantar)
Bronze Dutch Clover (P)
Sweet Woodruff (aka Herb of Humility) (P)
Strawberries (4) - Mix of everbearing and seasonal (P)
Lavendar (P)
Poppies (P)
Salvia - Salsa Mix colors (P)
New Guinea Impatiens (P)

Back patio and slightly incognito areas:
Meadow Sage (P)
Combo Annuals - Geraniums and something else
Lavendar (P)
Rosemary (P)
Geranium (P)
Gerbera Daisy (P)
Carnations - King of the Blacks (P)
Emerald n Gold Euonymus (Shrubs, in ground)
Citronella (P)
Caspian Pink Tomatoes
Purple Sage
Greek Oregano
Basil (P)
Cucumber - May 7th, 60 Days
Yellow Pear Heirloom Tomatoes - May 7th, 78 Days, hmmm also has some worrying reviews
Cherokee Purple Tomatoes - May 5th, 80 days
Jalapeno - May 5th, 65-75 days
Marion Tomatoes - May 7th, 70-75 days
Vinca Vine (P)
Chives (P, actually they spread to the ground from a pot we had a couple years ago! They've gone native!)
4 o'Clocks, Marvel of Peru (P)
Patio Prize Tomatoes - May 7th, 68 days
Pineapple Sage (P)
Quinault Sthttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifrawberries (P)
Yellow Straight Squash - May 7th, 50 days
Silver Edge Thyme (P)
Parsley (P)
Spanish Yellow Onion - May 7th, 120-130 days (WTF! It takes onions that fucking LONG?)
Mr. Stripey Heirloom Tomatoes - May 7th, 80 days, interesting, parts of plants are POISONOUS? What, did I get the puffer fish of the tomato kingdom? Also worrying: seeing some negative reviews of the plant for being too soft/mushy and prone to cracking.
Tomatillos Physalis philadelphica - May 7th, 70 days
Serrano Chiles - May 7th, 80 days
White Spanish Onion - May 7th, 110 days
Habenero - NOTE TO SELF: only water when DRY!
Cantaloupe - May 7th, 75-85 days (I don't think this one's gonna work)

And, YES, I planted in that little horseshoe shaped enclosure in between us and the neighbor to the north. Keep your fingers crossed that my illicit gardening adventure stays seekrit!


I wish the mom would get an umbrella for the patio table. (OOOh, or this one.) You can't sit out there in the full glare of the sun with no protection without baking. Kind of makes having a patio table pointless, don't you think?