Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pollack creations

I was tagged by Kilroy to do this, so here is a Pollack creation from moi that I have titled "Boquet" (or should it be "Bouquet"?) . If I've tagged you, you need to go and create one yourself.

The rules are here at Kilroy's.

Create your own Pollack masterpiece.
Good stress relief from work.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I hope I know five others on blogger to do this! Lippy! Tickersoid ??
Will add more after work!


Anthony said...

Thank you; great to have you in the game. I've not played tag before.

Tickersoid said...

I spent considerable time last night producing a masterpiece so fine, I was going to have it enlarged for my living room. Don't seem to have the software to save or reproduce it. Bugger!

Kilroy_60 said...

tickersoid, give this a go:

When you have it done...
Use your Print Screen button key...
Open PAINT...
Cut out the picture...
File, New...
Save? No...
Wallah, you've got it, just save and name.

Let's see what you've got!