Wednesday, August 09, 2006

various things

1) Did Veronica Mars move up its dvd release date? I'm thinking so. SO AWESOME. Yes, yes, go buy it!

2) My friend T is home. I'll be seeing her tomorrow. Have to see what she thinks about the whole situation and how she's dealing...

3) Ants are not meant to be in houses. I just sprayed the hell out of the downstairs entrance. Little fuckers were coming in and eating the cat food.

4) I was dinged today by someone in SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA. I laugh. So close to being "Sunnydale".

5) Whoever is drawing Superman now (in the eponymous line) is so good. Wow. He actually makes Supes look GQ hot as Clark Kent. Normally, I was never able to get past the fact that most drawers make Supes look like an over-roided Beefcake. I mean, yes muscles are hot, but let's not get ridiculous here. But, who the fuck is the Fabio wannabe cum magician of Atlantis. And also, WTF?