Monday, August 21, 2006

Search terms

Oh, the hilarity that is Map Stats. Somebody got to my page (from Luton in the UK) by doing a blog search. What was said blog search about?

Dildos. And apparently the first search result was "It is safe to use a dildo while pregnant." Geeee, I've always wondered that myself.

FAAAAAAN-tastic. I'm so going to get spammed with porn crap after writing that damn entry about my former roommate. Goddamned bitchwhore.

I got hit by Sunnyvale CA again - - I wonder who that is. Somebody hit me in San Diego on my "anatomy lessons" post. Shit, I was popular today - about 12 unique hits. Wow.

OMG. Is Anthony mocking "From Dusk Til Dawn". Oh bitch he so is. Ooops - wrong, El Mariachi.