Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Work is for the Birds

This job gets stupider as the days go by. Jesus.
Yesterday I submitted a res for a PT receptionist position in an area company. I just got called! Got an interview for this Friday. Good, good, good. We'll see what the pay and shit is.
Tomorrow I meet with someone I used to work for as a contractor here in this company (different department). I spoke to her briefly when I just saw her at the cafeteria. She said it was a job I could do in my sleep and she'd be more than willing to recommend me for the job. Sweet. Except that dept was going more for contractor. They may not have headcount for an actual company employee, PT. Shit. We'll see if she can sweettalk them. If I can at all stay here and maintain my benefits, it would be a plus.
Whatever - I'm just happy the wheels are turning and in motion. Something good *WILL* happen.