Saturday, September 29, 2007
Things that make you go hmmm
me....well, a little bit horny?
Stick a Pacifier in It!!
SunTimes to make sure it wasn't all a dream.
FINALLY back in the playoffs!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Today is the Day
about my plans either having too little or too much
time. You just can't tell how fast the students are
going to go through this start!
Well, I should know how good or how bad by 11:34
Monday, September 24, 2007
You knooooow...
treasure chest, I am so getting that tattoo early.
And then I'm buying a plane ticket straight to London,
bitches. And I'm staying at the Caesar off Hyde Park.
Honest to God!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I am an English Geek (and proud of it)
Monday, September 17, 2007
morning classes. And I will be teaching grammar. The
parts of the sentence. As diagramming and all that.
Ew. I completely understand the necessity of grammar,
but the way I sort of have to do it is completely out
of context. That's the way they have already started
it (they're doing parts of speech now); it's
completely unrelated to any meaningful text or
I mean, crap, do the kids already KNOW any of this? Is
there part of this they could skip? Parts they need
MORE help in? Rote memorization of grammar skills and
concepts is just NOT the best practice and yet people
persist in doing it.
I'll do my best to bring in literature, authentic
texts, or even write short paragraphs of their own,
but this sucks.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Today is a Lazy Day
school work. I got up and met my boss this morning to
do our weekly update.
Came back home and did some cleaning.
Went out to the store and did some grocery shopping. I
picked up the last items I needed to make my FUCKING
FANTASTIC beef bourguinon (recipe from Tyler
Florence). Beefy-culinary-sex-in-your-mouth, that's
how good it is, bitches.
I also made an apple pie, which is cooling. Really
disappointed in about 3/4 of the apples (granny smith)
that I bought - brown on the INSIDE. WTF? Thankfully,
I also bought golden delicious and pink ladies, so I
still had plenty. I put in some fresh grated ginger as
well. Oh YES, that just perked it up unbelieveably! (I
tasted an apple slice after I made the filling.) I
can't wait to have a small slice.
MMM. Weather is really autumnal today - perfect for
the beef bourguinon and apple pie. I love it. Gorgeous
day. Crisp of air and blue of sky. Is there anything
better than autumn?
AND PUMPKINS. I love pumpkins. Pumpkins must be the
cheeriest vegetable (?) ever. So round! So orange! You
can roll them! You can make a pie! Scones! Beer! Lots
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Thursday the FIRST
an asana or two to get the blood flowing.
Time to get ready.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
inane "training" on abuse prevention in the Catholic
diocese. Seriously.
I'm not exactly the most unbiased person, either, when
it comes to the heirarchy. I had to bite my tongue
during parts of the training video where the church
official was like "to tell the truth, we have made
mistakes in the past..."
NO. REALLY? That's your stellar day-late-dollar-short
remark. I'm sure that makes abuse victims feel better,
especially considering there are still ongoing cases
of things being covered up.
Still, it was one of those things to just go to, get
through, and just file. *rolls eyes*
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Still laughing
"Good Golly Miss Molly/Devil With the Blue Dress"
nonstop since finding out I have to interview at the
Catholic School. Is it?
I suppose I should be glad Sister Joan the Principal
can't meet with me today and it's just with the
common-folk teachers I'm meeting.
Oh my GAWD
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Dismal Day
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Graham Norton
Just dying. I haven't laughed this hard in a while. This guy they've got in the "tardis" is completely a MORON.
Torchwood Premiere (well, late for the US at any rate)
*snort* Amusing, but still a rip-off. AND I THOUGHT I
KNEW WHERE woman-who-takes-her-job-too-seriously WAS
FROM!! Thank you, IMDB!
And thank christ, Cubs got their heads out of their asses.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Family of Blood
That was amazing. I've got to say, the Doctor comes off so cold and callous as compared to "John Smith". I'm sure that was intentional, and hell it really added a neat twist.
Glad there was something good on. Because the Cubs are fucking killing me.
What's really killing me: the ads for Doctor Who S3 DVDs. I wants it NOW!
Another Day of Freaking Out
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Really Need Help
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
"The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a
I mean, young Hugh Grant, how can it NOT be
Oh, the Welsh.
I knew I loved the movie like five minutes in.
With no school...
mean, I TRY, but I stayed up late ONE night and now I
can't get back into waking up at a decent hour (by
that I mean six or seven am).
Really. I just flop in bed, trying to wake up, but
unable to emerge from my "waaah planet am I on?" state
until 10 or, now, 11.
Monday, September 03, 2007
I am the Tech Support in my family
with her computer related problems.
I am not "Geek Squad" smart, but I do know the basics.
1 - I know my brother should have bought a damn MAC
instead of a fucking PC. That's probably the most
important thing.
2 - Helped my niece install iTunes and get her iPod
set up last Christmas.
Late last night I got a call because her laptop
crashed and she was wondering if she lost her music.
Winds up yes, because they had to wipe the drive and
reinstall the factory settings in order to get the
computer up again. All her music was on her iPod,
thankfully, so I told her she could get it back onto
the computer.
HOWEVER, trying to explain how to do that over the
phone was proving exasperating. My brother was taking
her to the mall out by me today, so she dropped off
her computer and iPod so I could be Computer Doc.
I AM the Master. Yes, I am. I did a little research,
and found freeware that reverse loads (iPod to
Computer, instead of the other way around) for
situations just like these. However, in the course of
reloading her music back on to the computer, I made a
gruesome discovery...
I felt...DIRTY. I felt foul. Oh, I was deeply shamed.
Next, she's going to tell me she's a fucking
Republican. *shudders*
I quickly shot off an email enquiring if I had to send
her to musical rehab. Lord. WHAT.THE.FUCK.
Paris Hilton. Completely without street cred.
My niece has a lot of "untz-untz" or Eurotrash pop
music. She's in competitive cheerleading, so it makes
sense. It's not the most intelligent of music, but it
does have good beats to do their cheer routines. I dug
out my "NOW (that's what I call Music)" compilation
CDs. No, not the American ones, I got the bona fide UK
discs, people. Oh, so much more pop-esque! Ha ha. I
threw a bunch of songs onto her iTunes. Should be
cheerleading routine worthy.
Still. Paris Hilton.
When she, my brother and my SIL came inside to pick up
the goods, I gave her a look.
"I am deeply shamed."
"You had that stupid blonde...princess!"
And then of course my brother and SIL start
complaining about all the other music to begin with
(and yes, she does have some nasty bump n grind music
on there and she is BARELY 13, for chrissake).
My niece "oh...Paris Hilton song?"
Me: "YES. Anything but Paris Hilton for the love of
Is it wrong of me that many of my favorite Autumn
things are food and beverage associated?
Beef bourguinon (however the hell it is spelled, I
make a bitchin' one)
soup: potato or beef vegetable
Honeycrisp apples (oh, SO delicious)
apple cider
hot toddies
Drambuie whiskey
Granted, I also like new sweaters. And the smell of
forests. Crisp air.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Men are like Parking Spaces/ Rules of Un-Engagement
The rest are handicapped."
Oh well, even if being "taken" weren't the case in the
example I've most recently observed, it would conflict
with my Rule (#1) of never dating a
I made that mistake once, and once only. There is no
amount of great, even tolerable, kissy-kissy-bang-bang
that is worth the inevitable problems caused once the
break up happens. I don't want to be in the same
fucking AREA CODE, let alone an office or classroom
once it's over.
I don't even know how I made it through that semester
after I got dumped by that jackass
ex-Mormon-wannabe-Pagan (EMWP). Sitting in the same
room was torture. I would drive home on the Edens
absolutely fucking losing my mind, crying hysterically
and screaming myself hoarse after class. (And in case
you're wondering, NO, I don't take break-ups well.)
Rule #2: Avoid dating someone who's got spawn to care
for. Not that this doesn't work out on occasion (my
brother is a working example; my SIL had a son - my
nephew - before she met my brother), but let's be
realistic. Jackass EMWP I broke Rule #1 with had
spawn. One year younger than me, had a kid by 19 and
already divorced. His ex tried to kill him two times.
Damn shame she missed both times, I say. I mean,
really, what else can you say besides, he's fucked up,
she's fucked up and their kid is gonna BE fucked up?
AND USE A GODDAMN FUCKING CONDOM, you fertile myrtles.
Oh, good story of Cuckoo spawn not working? My idiot
cousin knocked a girl up (he could've been charged
with statutory, the IDIOT). She had his spawn.
Eventually the whole thing went bust, but they knocked
boots on occasion. She got pregnant again. Said it was
his. Treats it like his own. Few years later -
surprise! That second one wasn't his! She was fucking
around with another guy. Except she tells me cousin if
he doesn't continue to pay for the Cuckoo, he's not
going to see his own kid. Okay, that girl is a
flat-out gang-banging ho. But you see my point.
Can I just pose a general question? WHY THE HELL DON'T
PEOPLE USE CONDOMS?! Don't give me that "dulls the
sensation" crap either. That's what you have toys and
lube for.
Rule #3: Never call after the end. Never. Lose the
number, delete the emails, burn all remembrances.
Learned that the hard way, too, after the Cheesehead.
Put it to use with the EWMP. Cold Turkey is best.